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Small Business (SBA) & USDA

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and USDA Programs

  • SBA 7a Programs
  • SBA Express/LOC
  • SBA Veteran’s Advantage
  • SBA International Trade
  • SBA Export  Working Capital Program
  • SBA Export Express
  • USDA B & I Program (Rural)
  • USDA Agricultural Program (Rural)
  • 504 Loans

SBA 7a1 Program & USDA RDOne2 Program

  • SBA Export working capital up to $5mm
  • SBA Export Express up to $500,000
  • Business Acquisition (Goodwill)
  • Partner Buy-out (100%)
  • Purchase, Refi or Expand/Renovate Owner-Occupied Commercial Real Estate (51% minimum occupancy)
  • Leasehold Improvements/Renovations
  • Purchase or Refi Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment, Machinery & Inventory
  • Working Capital
  • Interim Interest thru Construction
  • Refinance existing debts
  • Construction of Owner-Occupied Commercial Real Estate (65% minimum occupancy for 10 years & 80% after 10 years)

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SBA 504 Financing Options

  • Purchase or Renovate/Expand Owner-occupied commercial real estate (51% minimum occupancy)
  • Purchase Heavy Duty Equipment (Machinery & Equipment)
  • Construction of owner-occupied commercial real estate (65% minimum occupancy for 10 years & 80% after 10 years)

Eligibility & Restrictions

1SBA 7a Loan Program has up to 25 year terms (15 or more has a 3 year prepayment penalty)
2USDA RDOne Program has up to 30 year terms (real estate has a 5 year prepayment penalty)

The SBA 7a Programs are for US Citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens, and Owner-occupied and Owner-operated businesses (not for investment or non-profit businesses).  Applicants must have a minimum 10% cash, or equity injection (may require additional capital), good credit history (business & personal), capability (must have industry experience and proper licenses when applicable by State Statutes), and commitment (must be willing to sign a personal guarantee and pledge personal assets, if available).

For the USDA Programs, borrowers/business must be located in a Rural Area (per the site map on the USDA website). All loans are subject to credit and SBA approval.

Get in Touch

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Monday to Friday 7am - 7pm CT / 8am - 8pm ET
Saturday 8am - 2pm CT / 9am - 3pm ET.

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