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Save the CENTS

Round up. Save. It's that simple.

Centennial Bank Debit Card

Morning Coffee Purchase


Checking Account

Transfer to Savings

$3.75 (Charge)
$.25 (Transfer)

Savings Account

Transfer from Checking


What You'll Need To Enroll

New to Centennial Bank?

  • Visit a Centennial Bank branch (excluding New York) and ask to enroll in our Save the CENTS program.
  • Open a checking and a savings account in one transaction online1 and enroll for the program simultaneously during the process. Enrollment and opening deposit restrictions apply. Click Centennial Bank Personal Checking Account link above to get started.  

Don't have one or more of these products?

  • Centennial Bank Checking and Savings Accounts can be opened online1 or in-branch using the links above.
  • Centennial Bank MasterCard® Debit Cards can be printed in most Centennial Bank branches instantly. Replacement fees may apply.

Have everything you need?

  • Log into Online Banking. Once you are authenticated click the Services tab and select Save the CENTS.


Track your Total Savings in Online Banking under

Save the CENTS Life to Date

Terms & Conditions

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are agreeing to enroll the Checking and Savings Account for which you are applying in the Save the CENTS service. When you enroll in the Save the CENTS service, we will round up the amount of any MasterCard® debit card purchase made by you or any MasterCard® debit cardholder on your Checking Account to the next whole dollar amount in excess of the posted transaction amount and transfer the excess amount from your Checking Account to the designated Savings Account. A purchase is defined as any debit card transaction made in person or online (ATM transactions and transactions credited to your account not included). Enrollment will be completed and transfers will begin within three business days of enrollment date. For the purposes of this document, a business day is defined as a Monday through Friday in which the bank is open and doing business.

We aggregate the round-up amount from each MasterCard® debit card purchase that posts to your checking account each business day and make a single transfer on the following business day. The round-up amount will be calculated after all MasterCard® debit card purchases have posted to the designated checking account at the end of each business day. If the designated checking account does not have funds equal to or greater than the round-up amount, the Save the CENTS transfer will not occur. Additionally, if after transaction posting has completed there are still transactions pending for which there are not sufficient funds in the designated checking account, the Save the CENTS transfer will not occur even if any or all of those pending items are ultimately returned unpaid. If after transactions are posted we determine that your checking account has sufficient funds as described above, the Save the CENTS transfer will be created and deducted from your available balance for the following business day. The Save the CENTS transfer will appear as a pending transaction until after nightly transaction posting has completed and the transaction has posted to the designated accounts. Please reference the Processing Order as described to you in your account disclosures to review in what order transactions are processed.

While the Save the CENTS transaction is pending, if additional transactions are presented for payment, such as Direct Debit (ACH), ATM, debit card purchases, or checks, and it results in a negative balance, your account will become overdrawn and all applicable nonsufficient funds, overdraft fees and overdraft protection transfer fees will apply. Additionally, if a transaction that was previously authorized posts for a higher amount or is presented for payment after the authorization has expired (such as debit card purchases posting with gratuities or rental car authorizations expiring prior to posting), and it results in a negative balance, your account will become overdrawn and all applicable nonsufficient funds, overdraft fees and overdraft protection transfer fees will apply. Please refer to your Account Agreement, Overdraft Privilege Account Disclosure (if applicable), Truth in Savings Disclosure, and the Schedule of Fees for more information regarding your account’s available overdraft services and applicable fees. Please note that you will never be charged an overdraft fee or an overdraft protection transfer fee for the individual Save the CENTs transfer.

If a MasterCard® debit card purchase is cancelled or reversed after the transaction has posted to your account, the corresponding Save the CENTS transfer will take place as usual and remain in the designated Savings Account. We may cancel the Save the CENTS enrollment at any time. Save the CENTS is available only on MasterCard® debit cards linked to your Checking Account indicated above.

If the Checking Account with the Save the CENTS savings service is closed or the Savings Account receiving the Save the CENTS transfers is closed, the Save the CENTS service will be cancelled. You agree to notify the bank in writing, or by phone, if you wish to cancel the Save the CENTS savings service.

You may terminate your enrollment in the Save the CENTS service by:

Calling us at: (888)372-9788


Write to: Centennial Bank
Attention: Deposit Operations
P. O. Box 966
Conway, AR 72033


Email us at: or use the current information on your most recent account statement, or visit any of our branches. Notification of termination will be effective within three business days of request.


1Restrictions and limitations apply to opening deposits and funding methods. Online account opening applies to deposit accounts. Subject to credit approval. Must be 18 years of age. Must be a legal resident of the United States. Must have working device that meets required specifications. Not all products are available for all locations. Not all products are available through online account opening.

Get in Touch

Need assistance with something?
Our team members are available to help you
Monday to Friday 7am - 7pm CT / 8am - 8pm ET
Saturday 8am - 2pm CT / 9am - 3pm ET.

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